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Jurassic Park : Dennis Nedry VS Henry Wu (1000 words)

Publié le par Kevin

While analysing Jurassic Park an Idea came to me which I would have loved to be able to back up. Sadly, it is simply impossible to back it up properly. What I wanted to spot was a clue that Henry Wu was truly responsible (or at least partly) for the whole...

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Jurassic Park : Flirting and Fecundations part 2 (4444 words)

Publié le par Kevin

In the first part of this article I tried to put forward how all the characters of Jurassic Park can be put in order inside a dynamic of procreation. I explored how the fact that Ellie and Alan’s relationship should be threatened by their disagreement...

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Jurassic Park: Flirting and Disasters part 1 (4400 words)

Publié le par Kevin

Ideas like the one I developed in my previous article about Jurassic Park, the one that the T-Rex doesn’t have a peculiar vision, as entertaining as they might be because they contradict a common belief about the film, are not that interesting on their...

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Ghostbusters : Kevin n'est pas un imbécile (1300 mots)

Publié le par Kevin

Salut tout le monde, J’attends avec patience la sortie DVD du dernier Ghostbusters, pauvre film sacrifié sur l’hôtel de la débilité narcissique moderne, pour pouvoir le regarder enfin en vo parce que même si la vf n’est pas particulièrement mauvaise il...

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Ghostbusters : Kevin is only pretending to be an idiot (600 words)

Publié le par Kevin

Well, I suppose I might not surprise many people with that one but Kevin (Chris Hemsworth) is not an idiot in the new Ghostbusters. He’s simply a handsome guy who is really annoyed to be hired solely for his looks and who, as a revenge, offers nothing...

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Kill Bill: Bill doesn't Die (1200 words)

Publié le par Kevin

Kill Bill is such a complex film that each time I try to write about it I just feel overwhelmed by the scale of the job. There’s already an article about it on this blog in which I specifically focussed on three scenes of it and it still ended up being...

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Avatar: Jake se moque bien du sort des Na'vis (6500 mots)

Publié le par Kevin

Edit 2022: Je maintiens mon point de vue que Jake est un personnage négatif après avoir vu la suite... surtout qu'elle met les dynamiques morbides du personnage plus en avant encore puisque d'autres personnages eux-mêmes lui reprochent son comportement...

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