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The Death of Superman : Loïs Perfectly Knows That Clark Is Superman, Part 5 (2900 words)

Publié le par Kevin

-----------------The Justice League Gets Its Ass Kicked----------------- I said earlier that the order according to which the members of the Justice League attack Doomsday could bear a metaphorical meaning on a sexual level. From that point of view, it’s...

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The Death of Superman : Loïs Perfectly Knows That Clark Is Superman, part 4 (2500 Words)

Publié le par Kevin

-----------------------Clark’s Parents----------------------- The dinner at the Kent’s is very ambiguous as it should be because Loïs can find different things problematic according to how you decide to interpret the story. What’s for sure is that Martha...

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The Death of Superman : Loïs Perfectly Knows That Clark Is Superman, part 3 (2450 words)

Publié le par Kevin

------------------In Space------------------ A few astronauts are repairing a satellite; strangely enough a husband and a wife are in the team. From what I’ve explained above, there should be a problem between them because of Superman’s influence and...

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The Death of Superman : Loïs Perfectly Knows That Clark Is Superman, part 2 (2800 words)

Publié le par Kevin

übermasculinity and its biggest admirer. ------------------Kal El’s Parents ----------------- Now that Superman owns the copyright for masculinity, all men become non-masculine or lose faith in their masculinity, whatever the “concept” might have meant...

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The Death of Superman : Loïs Perfectly Knows That Clark Is Superman, part 1 (3325 Words)

Publié le par Kevin

The Death of a Symbol DC Animated movies are tough to interpret (at least for me). I already ventured in their world with The Killing Joke but it was only because I was shocked by the unfair criticism it had received. There is some kind of old school...

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Mary Poppins Returns : Mary Poppins Somewhat Failed (1900 words)

Publié le par Kevin

I went to see Mary Poppins Returns yesterday evening. I’m really not a big fan of the first movie, I actually never saw it in its entirety, but a friend of mine wanted to see this sequel so, away we went. I remember that I never truly understood the character...

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Starship Troopers : Les Fausses Batailles Historiques Américaines partie 2 (2200 Mots)

Publié le par Kevin

Je me souviens que l'affiche du film m'avait laissé terriblement perplexe à l'époque. Je la comprends mieux aujourd'hui. La griffe arachnide qui déchire le ciel indique le monde du soldat comme étant factice. Seule la souffrance est véritable, le reste...

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Starship Troopers : Un Séminaire sur le complexe militaro-industriel. Introduction. (1000 mots)

Publié le par Kevin

Lorsque j'ai vu le film en 1998, j’ai immédiatement perçu l’aspect satirique de Starship Troopers. Le truc, c’est que tout en comprenant que j’étais face à du second degré, je ne voyais pas vraiment quel était le message caché. Il me donnait le sentiment...

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Admettre la morbidité et la nocivité de Dragon Ball Z

Publié le par Kevin

Je vous trolle ! Mouahahhahahhahahha ! Edit 2021: J'ai vraiment été trop rigoureux, mesuré et gentil dans cet article, jusqu'à la lâcheté. alors voici un résumé moins rigoureux, moins mesuré et moins gentil: Dragon Ball Z encourage les gosses à se sentir...

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