The world of politics is a violent, corrupted and ruthless one where careers and lives often hold on to a thread and opponents are eradicated thanks to lies, accusations and worse. A political career is entirely prostituted to appearances as the main...
My “Alternative readings” are not just my personal opinions on movies. They’re the result of attempts at finding coherence where it lies, and because of this, I can discover things that displease me, with which I disagree or that I find incorrect when...
There are a few things that spectators find hard to let go when it comes to movie interpretation I found. Very often they believe that main characters are considered good -unless they’re clearly shown as morally dubious- that we should abide by their...
C’est alors que j'étais en CE2, bien avant #balancetonporc, qu’une prof a cru bon de nous faire lire et de nous expliquer, à moi et à la classe, A Calic ochon (1989), un livre illustré qui, je peux le dire aujourd’hui avec beaucoup de recul, m’a traumatisé...
Blog d'analyses de films particulièrement poussées et rigoureuses dans leur cohérence interne, tournées vers les sous-textes, métaphores et "secrets" et ayant un intérêt dépassant largement le monde du cinéma.
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