Articles in English
Films (And TV series):
Avengers Infinity War (2018) : Thanos, the Avengers and Death
Batman : The Joker is Bruce's Best Friend
Batman Begins (2005) : The Joker is Bruce's Best Friend part 2
Batman : The Dark Knight (2008) : The Joker is Bruce's Best Friend part 1, 2, 3, 4.
Batman : Killing Joke, the (2016) : 1- Killing the Bad Joke
Batman Begins (2005) : Bruce and Rachel
Batman v Superman of Steel (2016) : 1- Zod isn’t the Bad Guy, Jor-El is.
Batman v Superman (2016) : The Secret of the Awkward Bathtub Scene
Batman V Superman (2016) : "Save Martha" isn't Clumsy After All
Behind your Walls, the Offspring (2022) : Of Narcissistic Pain
Berserk (1997) : A Metaphore for Mental Collapse
Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) : The Contract Signing Scene isn't Badly Edited After All
Bourne Identity, the (2002) : The Bourne Homosexuality
Boy Erased (2018) : Garrard is Heterosexual
Call Me By Your Name (2017): Oliver Is A Psychopath
Care Norway Dear Daddy (2015) Analysis.
Death of Superman, the (2018) : Lois Perfectly Knows That Clark Is Superman. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5.
Dirty Dancing (1987) : Obtaining the abortion
Dirty Dancing (1987) : An Amazing Shot, a Tragic Story
Dirty Dozen, the (1967) : John Reisman is a German Spy
Dream House (2011) : Elizabeth Killed Her Daughters
Edge of Seveteen, the (2016) : Nadine's Problem isn't Adolescence
Enter the Fat Dragon (1978) : Cleaning Up Bruce Lee's Mess
Ex Machina (2014) : To Homosexuality and Beyond
Experimenter (2015) : Milgram Experiment Is Meaningless
Ghost (1990) : The Tragic Love Story of Sam and Carl
Ghosts of Mars (2001) : The Truth About Melanie (short version)
Ghosts of Mars (2001) : The Perverted Ghosts of Mars
Ghostbusters (1984) : The Perverted Ghosts of Ghostbusters
Ghostbusters (2016) : Kevin is only pretending to be an idiot
Give You Up, Dido (2019) : Women love Men.
Godzilla 2 (2019) : Mothra is Emma and Mark's son
Happening, the (2008) : Elliot and Alma suffer from autism.
Harvest, the (2015) : Loving Mothers Nowadays.
Hateful Eight, the (2016) : Marquis Warren the Traitor
Heart to Heart (2015 Dolama) : The Show Ends With Its Fourth Episode
Heart to Heart (2015 Dolama) : The Psycho and The Thief
Hitcher, the (1986) : More Homosexual Subtext
Hitcher, the (2007) : Another Minority. Yeah !
Horns (2013) : Merrin was Never Ill.
John Wick (2014) : John Kills His Son
Joker (2019) : Arthur Fleck is at the Centre of a Political Scheme
Joker (2019) : The Political Scheme Dialogue version
Jurassic Park (1993) : T-Rex doesn't Need Glasses
Jurassic Park (1993) : Flirting and Disasters part 1
Jurassic Park (1993) : Fecundations and Disasters part 2
Jurassic Park (1993) : Dennis Nedry VS Henry Wu
Jurassic Park/The Lost World (1997) : It Wasn't Dinosaurs That Killed The Crew of the SS Venture.
Jurassic World (2015) : There's a reason why the Indominous Rex has so many talents and skills.
Kill Bill (2003) : Beatrix Kiddo is Vain and Hypocritical
Kill Bill (2003) : Bill Doesn't Die
Lucy (2014) : Lucy Isn't Unlocking her Brain Capacity
Martian, the (2015) : Why is There so Much Maths in “The Martian” ?
Mary Poppins Returns (2018) : Mary Poppins Fails
Meg, the (2018) : There's Still One Megalodon Left
Middle, the (2011 TV show) : Mike is not Axel's Real Father
Monk (2002-2009) : Monk is Often Wrong
Moonwalkers (2015) : A Beautiful Rape Scene
Platform, the (2019) : Eat Your Meal !
Playful Kiss (2010) : Seung-jo's Morbid Relationship with his Mother.
Prometheus (2012) : Why the Engineers Hate Humanity
Promising Young Woman (2020) : Ryan is a Murderous Pedophile
Rocky III and IV (1982; 1985) : Two Nice Elements.
Seven (1995) : There's No Serial Killer
Shining, the (1980) : The Overlook as a Metaphor for the Torrance's home.
Shining, the (1980) : Jack Torrance Could Very Well Be the Good Guy.
Sleepless in Seattle (1993) : Guilty in Chicago
Spectre (2015) : When Bond's World Collapses
Stand and Deliver (1988) : Jaime + Escalante = Zero Part 1, Part 2
Star Wars (2016) : Rogue one : Galen Erso is a Hypocrite
Star Wars (2016) : Rogue one : The Empire and the Rebels Want the Same Thing
Star Wars (1977-83) : Leïa isn't Luke's sister
Star Wars VII (2015) : Sex and gender roles subtext in Star Wars VII
Star Wars IX (2019) : Rey's Parents are Luke and Leia
Terminator (1984) : John Connor Doesn't Exist
Terminator (1984) : A Disturbing Story of Incest
Thing, the (1982) : MacReady was Ready to the Max
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017) : Jason Dixon isn't Racist
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri (2017) : Abercrombie is Covering up for the Murder
Tusk (2014) : Ambition Hidden Behind the Absurd
Witness (1985) : Rachel and Daniel, the True Outcasts
Working Girl (1988) : Seduction Forever
Books, Comics, Manga:
Glyceride (Junji Ito): The Absence of the Mother.
Tomie (1997) Chapter XI : Sexually Abused by an Unfaithful Father
Video Games:
Blackwell Franchise, the : Joey Uses Rosangela
Blackwell Franchise, the : Joey and Rosangela aren't Very Good at their Job
Flight of the Amazon Queen (1995) : What Joe Did To Lola Is That He Didn't Do Anything To Her
Horizon Zero Dawn (2017) : What Alloy Does to Win the Proving Is Called Cheating
Horizon Zero Dawn (2017) : Elisabet Sobeck is a Genocidal Maniac (Eng)
Last of Us, the (2013) : Joel's Morbidity
Last of Us Part II, the (2020) : Dina Knows that Ellie is Immune from the Start.
Sheltered (2016) : Everyday Life in Consumer Society
Street Fighter II : Stating the Obvious on a Sexual Level
Thimbleweed Park (2017) : They Aren't in a Videogame... Until They Are.
Thimbleweed Park (2017) : They Used to be in a Videogame.
Thimbleweed Park (2017) : Is the coroner truly the sheriff or what ?
Thimbleweed Park (2017) : Delores Did Go to School
Reviews, opinions and other texts:
Batman v Superman (2016) is very Great have you critics and people gone totally crazy?
Star Wars VII : Star Bars VII is utterly disappointing.
Being Faithful to the Original Material
Bubba'n'Stix: A Fanatic Praise.
Bubba'n'Stix: Secrets, Unfound Secrets & Wishes.
Bubba'n'Stix: Fanart, Level 2 DLC.
Bubba'n'Stix: Fanart, Level 3 DLC.