Jurassic World : The Indominous Rex was Engineered as a Weapon. (550 words)
"Many spectators didn't like the fact that I had become a vilain. They had not realized that I already was one in the first movie. That's the power of my smile."
Ever since I’ve seen Jurassic World in 2015, I’ve been wanting to write an article about the movie to have the opportunity to say that it is quite underrated. Seriously, this movie is very underrated. It’s underrated even by many people who like it.
People who dislike it say it’s horribly dumb. Many People who like it say it’s dumb fun. Dumb, it is not.
One understandable piece of criticism though is that the reason why everything goes wrong for the park isn’t entirely convincing. The way the Indominous Rex randomly decides to go for a stroll just feels very convenient, just like its never-ending list of superpowers. Also, the arms dealer character is dull, useless and feels tacked in.
I’ve watched the movie more than five times I believe and it’s just last night that suddenly the reason why the Indominous Rex can camouflage, speak raptor and remove microchips from his body, appeared to me in all its obviousness. It’s so obvious that I partially rewatched the movie to check whether the piece of information was actually given to the spectator or not. It is not.
The Indominous Rex was engineered not to scare and entertain but to be sold as a military weapon.
That’s why everything takes place on the specific day of Vic Hoskins’ visit. He’s here to check on the raptors, but someone has another “asset” to present, the Indominous Rex, most probably Henry Wu, unless Masrani is also in on the scheme. Henry Wu already gets caught toying with the dinos behind Hammond’s back in JP1.
So, someone triggers the “demonstration” button and suddenly, the Indominous thermal signature disappears (hacked computers ?) and the beast enters “camouflage” mode. A few guys open the door, enter the cage, and the monster escapes. I never truly disliked this development; I just felt that I was missing the deeper reason for the accident to happen. At some point, I thought it was Claire who wanted the Indominous to escape. The story needed a bit more reasons to happen.
Now, it’s all clear: someone wants the Indominous out. And more, the Indominous was made to fight and kill, not dinos but soldiers. That’s why “It can camouflage !”, resist bullets, or remove microchips from its own flesh.
More more, the person who engineered the monster knew Vic Hoskins would check on the raptors first and that, as a consequence, it would be interesting to make their dinosaur capable of leading the raptors.
It’s so obvious that I don’t even know how I should argue this point. It’s clearly the theme of the “World” trilogy, transforming dinos into military weapons. In Jurassic World, the arms dealer felt tacked in, whereas in Fallen Kingdom the auction felt like a gratuitous repetition but both truly are the core elements of each film. In the first one, the dinos are given life to make money whereas in the second, they’re killed so that their value can increase. This article isn’t the place for that analysis, but the fact is that it’s pretty obvious that the Indominous Rex was engineered as a weapon to be sold to the military and that it’s not a coincidence that he should break free on the day when Vic Hoskins is visiting Owen and his raptors.
Two of the main gripes against the movie are thus explained:
1-The reason why the Indominous escapes so easily.
2-The reason why it has so many skills and powers.